Local movie maker focuses on ‘simulated horror’ streamed online
Daytona Beach News-Journal/Flagler News-Tribune–Palm Coast-based filmmaker David Karner explains the distinction between simulated horror and real horror by drawing from personal experience. And he hopes to use that knowledge to create movies to stream online.
In 1991, Karner — who entered two short films in the recent Flagler Film Festival — was a U.S. Marine asleep in his bunk aboard the USS Tripoli as it rolled toward Kuwait. A sixth sense told him something was wrong. He was soon jolted awake when the aircraft carrier struck an underwater mine.
“We were thrown into chaos. People were screaming, and the air was unbreathable. That’s real horror,” Karner said. “And I hope I never experience that again.”
Yet it’s that sensation, that “rush,” that he is continually attempting to instill in his movies.
“Simulated horror — where the actual danger is removed,” Karner said.
Read the full article here: https://www.news-journalonline.com/article/LK/20160220/News/605064817/DN