Daytona Beach News-Journal/Flagler News-Tribune: The point of any app is to make life easier in some way. It was Flagler resident Armando Gomez’s dissatisfaction with a couple of the local leads-sharing groups that finally led him to develop his own: My Town, which aims to create a more inclusive network of local family-owned businesses.
My Town is powered by another local initiative, which Gomez also heads: The Flagler Welcome Committee, an organized concierge service geared toward transforming new residents into “Flagleridians,” by educating them to all the ins-and-outs of the county.
After moving to Flagler County in 2009, Gomez, 36, a low-voltage security consultant, joined many of the lead and chamber groups which, on their own, at least, were not driving new business.
The full article can be read here: http://www.news-journalonline.com/article/20151023/NEWS/151029797