Daytona Beach News-Journal/Flagler News-Tribune–With the right name comes power.
One day, Joey Gardella, then just a wild-haired 18-year-old Flagler Palm Coast High School graduate, took some duct tape and patched a solemn square face on the bass of his already taped-together drum set. With the face — two X’s for eyes and a straight shaft for a mouth — came a name: Ned.
Gardella didn’t really know why he decided to name his drum, but that was true of many actions he took in life, like when he and his musical compadres — Aaron Bowser, Ashton Kuehne and Trace George — showed up at FPC’s Oscars Night, for which they had received a talent nomination, wearing dresses. But the day he named his drum kit was the day he suddenly had a real band in the do-it-yourself tradition of Indie music. He decided to throw “The” in front and, in summer 2014, those same friends became The Ned. Little more than a year later, they released their first album, titled “Nice.” The face on Gardella’s drum set would be their logo.
“Or maybe none of that’s true,” he said during an interview in his garage.
Read the Full Article here: http://www.news-journalonline.com/article/20151207/NEWS/151209608/101040?Title=Palm-Coast-teens-working-to-take-their-music-to-the-next-level